Directed by Vipin Parashar and produced by Ravindra Singh under the banner of R-Vision India, this con-comedy is set in the metropolitan city of Mumbai, basing its narrative on how many of today’s spiritual leaders use their influence to fool and misguide their followers and use them as a means for their black money operations.
Directed by Vipin Parashar and produced by Ravindra Singh under the banner of R-Vision India, this con-comedy is set in the metropolitan city of Mumbai, basing its narrative on how many of today’s spiritual leaders use their influence to fool and misguide their followers and use them as a means for their black money operations.
Udanchhoo is an a 2018 Hindi feature film, starring Prem Chopra, Rajneesh Duggal, Ashutosh Rana, Bruna Abdullah & Saisha Sehgal.
Initial release: January 5, 2018 (India)
Director: Vipin Parashar
Language: Hindi
Screenplay: Vishal V. Patil